About Me

I began taking private piano lessons in 4th grade.  My teacher beautifully displayed the classical method of piano pedagogy.  She worked tirelessly on my music theory, ear training and musicality.  I began to truly enjoy piano during junior high and began to put in more time and effort to my playing abilities.

Upon graduating high school, I knew that I did not want to "let go" of piano so I choose to minor in music with a piano emphasis.  I thoroughly enjoyed my music education and knew that I would use it one day.

I enjoy teaching, learning and perfecting my teaching abilities.  I strive to tailor my teaching to each student's unique personality and push them to find their niche in piano.  Some love jazz, others classics, others Star Wars.  Music is woven into each of our lives.  It is such a joy to teach students how to incorporate music into their daily lives.

About Whitney

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